Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Name : Cindra Pratama Class : 4EA14 NPM : 11210590

My name cindra pratama , I was born in Jakarta , 26 October 1990. my first child of four siblings . I have two brothers and one sister . I live in jakarta , my school from elementary school through high school in Cindera Mata School . and I Studied the University Gunadarma .

I am a simple person , friendly , and interesting . I usually have at home , but sometimes I am in the bakery . My family is an entrepreneur and I want to be an entrepreneur . success in career success also in the family . all it took to become that way .

My hobbies are sports , from football , swimming , and badminton . I love football from childhood, even I always watch football on television . My favorite team is Inter Milan . The team that many star players , one of whom Javier Zanetti . he is a football player on and off the pitch . all the players really respect him .

I really love my family , my parents are an inspiration . they always make me smile , spirit , and laughter . My father was a hard worker , all the time just to work , my mother was a fighter and  always gave support to me . very lucky to have him .

My motivation to live , Give useful benefits for anyone, believe it or not all would have been set by God .

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Philippine Drag RI So the State with the Best ASEAN Economic.

Since the issue of the reduction of the rate of the Central Bank bond purchases the United States ( the Fed ) sticking June, interest rates in different parts of the world started to rise .The influx of fresh funds to developing countries as Great Global Monetary Easing program in 2012 and then began to decrease even threatened stalled in 2014 .The Fed's move caused the economies of developing countries chaotic look of the currency exchange , bonds , and stocks continued to weaken like launch Monday in Asia , developing countries with current account deficits swell as Indonesia and India in the spotlight .The amount of borrowing costs globally , the low flow of incoming funds , and the threat of the evidence of the issue of the Fed , making deficits in both countries increasingly uncontrollable .Among the countries of the region, the Philippine economy to be the best compared to many battered neighbors like Indonesia , Thailand and Malaysia .However, due to its geographical position close to these countries , the Philippines should also weakened the peso exchange rate and the falling value of shares outstanding despite its economic performance .The following comparison of the economic condition of the Philippines and its neighboring countries : 

 1 . Indonesia : The surge in inflation and the fall in commodity pricesAmong the ASEAN countries , the exchange rate of the most severely weakened by 12.4 % this year . Indonesia suffered the highest inflation throughout the four years at 8.61 % in July .Meanwhile, the current account deficit goes even scored a record of U.S. $ 9.8 billion, equivalent to 4.4 % of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) in the first quarter of 2013 .The figure was the highest since the Asian financial crisis in 1997 . Foreign exchange reserves of Bank Indonesia ( BI ) was recorded reduced to U.S. $ 20.1 billion over seven months and the remaining U.S. $ 91.7 billion in July . These conditions make the central bank the Bank became the fastest slump this year .

2 . Thailand : Weak economic contraction in the current account andAfter Indonesia , Thailand has the most sluggish in the current account in the Southeast Asian region . Thailand's economy today is experiencing a recession after contracting by 0.3 % in the second quarter of 2013 .The result is the exchange rate of the Thai baht fell 4.9 % compared to the resistant or slumped 11 % from its highest exchange rate .

3 . Malaysia : High-risk experiencing withdrawal outMalaysian ringgit exchange rate fell to its lowest level in three years and recorded slumped 6.9 % this year . Although this neighbor country still has a current account surplus , but the surplus is the smallest since 1999 .The risk of capital flight out of Malaysia was the highest compared to other countries reached nearly 50 % of government bonds .

4 . Singapore : State investment havenUnlike the above three countries , Singapore is not vulnerable to the issue of risk reduction in the Fed's bond purchases . Singapore Dollar recorded a positive move .Current account of Singapore is very solid at 19 % of GDP in 2012 . Yet equity markets remain hit by the withdrawal of funds from outside investors which led to equity fell 4.4 % .

5 . Philippines : tremendous economic growth and a healthy external balancePhilippines showed GDP growth rapidly growing in the second quarter of this year by 7.5 % , able to balance out China as the country with the second-fastest growth in the world economy .Annual economic growth of the country is relatively stable over 7 % for four consecutive quarters . Healthy external balance recorded a current account surplus of 5.3 % of GDP in the first quarter of 2013.Nevertheless Philippines remains inevitable in a global withdrawal . Recorded peso fell 8 % . This is because the Philippines geographically neighboring third countries above . Meanwhile , the Philippine stock market is at its best with a great return of 4.5 % .

Reference :

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name : Cindra Pratama
Address : Jln. Matahari Utama, Bekasi, West Java 17131
Phone Number : 0838 949 490 79
Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 26 1990
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia

II. Education Details

1. 1997 – 2003 Cindera Mata Elementary School, Bekasi
2. 2003 – 2006 Cindera Mata Junior High School, Bekasi
3. 2006 – 2009 Cindera Mata Senior High School, Bekasi

III. Job Experiences
October – February
2009-2010 On the Waiter at Restaurant Charmy Taiwan Noodle, Jakarta

IV. Computer Skills
Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point.


Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible

Bekasi, March 19 2014

                                                                                                                                          Cindra Pratama

Passive Voice

A. Active Voice and Passive Voice

Active voice is the sentence that accompanied the transitive verb with the subject in front of verbs such as actors who perform an act.
Passive voice is a form of the verb phrase that accompanied the three (Past Participle) describe the thing done (by the perpetrator)

B. Example : Active voice sentences are as follows :
1. We eat rice every day
2. You drink milk every day
3. They lock the gate every night
4. The Teacher is explaining the lesson
5. The Students are writing a story
6. He bought the house last year
7. I took the hammer yesterday
8. We have finished the work
9. John has sent the letter
10. We shall invite simon
11. Albert will arrange the books
12. Liza is going to contact Mr.Hudson

Example Passive voice sentences are as follows:
1. Rice is eaten every day
2. Milk is drunk every day
3. The gate is locked every night by them
4. The lesson is being explained by the teacher
5. A story is being written by the students
6. The house was bought last year
7. The hammer was taken by me yesterday
8. The work has been finished by us
9. The letter has been sent by John
10. Simon will be invited
11. The books will be arranged by albert
12. Mr. Hudson is going to be contacted by Liza

Active sentences into passive sentences :

Subjects in active sentence has been at the front of the verb, and object there behind the verb. Note the changes in passive sentences below. Objects can be located in front of the verb. Past Participle (Verb to 3) is always used in active sentences.

Example :
1.(Active) : We need water
(Passive) : Water is needed
2.(Active) : They admire Madona
(Passive) : Madona is admired
3.(Active) : We educate our children
(Passive) : Our children are educated

4.(Active) : They built this house last year
(Passive) : This house was built last year

5.(Active) : They will forget this case
(Passive) : This case will be forgotten

6.(Active) : Someone has split the oil
(Passive) : The oil has been split

7.(Active) : I have pushed the cupboard into the corner
(Passive) : The cupboard has been pushed into the corner
8.(Active) : We requested the police to find the girl
(Passive) : The police were requested to find the girl

9.(Active) : He wants you to give up
(Passive) : You are wanted to give up

A. Active and Passive sentences in Simple Present
- Active sentences in Present tense menggunakan Kata kerja 1
- Passive sentences in present tense menggunakan am/is/are + kata kerja 3
Example :
a.(Active) : I turn the light off at bed time
(Passive) : The light is turned off at bed time

b.(Active) : We import a lot of cars from japan
(Passive) : A lot of cars are imported from japan

c.(Active) : Recless drivers cause many accidents
(Passive) : Many accidents are caused by recless drivers

B. Active and Passive sentences Past Tense
- Kalimat aktif dalam Past tense menggunakan Kata kerja ke-2
- Kalimat pasif dalam Past tense menggunakan was/ware + kata kerja ke-3

Example :
a.(Active) : They signed the agreement
(Passive) : The agreement was signed by them

b.(Active) : Lightning struck the tree last week
(Passive) : The tree was struck by lightning last week

c.(Active) : The bad news shocked me yesterday
(Passive) : I was shocked by the bad news yesterday

C.Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam bentuk Present Continuous
- Kalimat Aktif dalam present Continuous Kata kerja ke-1 + ING
- Kalimat Pasif dalam present Continuous am/is/are + being + kata kerja ke-3
Example :
a.(Active) : They are looking at you
(Passive) : You are being locked at by them

b.(Active) : The men are cutting down the trees
(Passive) : The trees are being cut down

c.(Active) : The police officer is questioning the bad boys
(Passive) : The bad boys are being questioned by the police officer

D. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Past Continuous
- Kalimat Aktif dalam past continuous menggunakan Was/Were + Kata kerja ke-1 + Ing
- Kalimat Pasif dalam past continuous menggunakan Was/Were + Being + Kata kerja ke-3
A.(Active) : He was teaching me at ten o’clock yesterday
(Passive) : I was being taught at ten o’clock yesterday

B.(Active) : They were beating up the thief until the police arrived
(Passive) : The thief was being beaten up until the police arrived

C.(Active) : The doctor was examining you when we talked with a nurse
(Passive) : You were being examined when we talked with a nurse

E.Kalimat Akif dan Pasif dalam Present Perfect
- Kalimat aktif dalam present perfect menggunakan Have/Has + Kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat Pasif dalam present perfect menggunakan Have/Has + been + kata kerja ke-3

A.(Active) : A mosquito has bitten me
(Passive) : I have been bitten by a mosquito

B.(Active) : We have warned him about that
(Passive) : He has been warned about that

C.(Active) : They have signed the agreement
(Passive) : The agreement has been signed

F. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam bentuk Past Perfect
- Kalimat Aktif dalam past perfect menggunakan had + kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat pasif dalam past perfect menggunakan had been + kata kerja ke-3

A.(Active) : Johnson had bought my horse when you met us
(Passive) : My horse had been bought by Johnson when you met us

B.(Active) : Paul told me that somebody had hit him
(Passive) : Paul told me that he had been hit by someone

C.(Active) : Somebody had hurt the woman when she reported to the police
(Passive) : The woman had been hurt when she reported to the police

G.Kalimat Aktif dan pasif dalam bentuk Simple Future
- Kalimat Aktif menggunakan Future tense menggunakan Shall/Will + kata kerja ke-1
- Kalimat Pasif menggunakan Future tense menggunakan Shall/Will + be + kata kerja ke-3

Example :
A.(Active) : We shall serve dinner to the guests in ten minutes
(Passive) : Dinner will be served to the guests in ten minutes

B.(Active) : We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready
(Passive) : You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready

C.(Active) : They will advise me about the price of the books
(Passive) : I shall be advised about the price of the books

H. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Future Perfect
- Kalimat aktif dalam Future Perfect menggunakan shall/will + have + kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat pasif dalam Future Perfect menggunakan shall/will + have + been + kata kerja ke-3

A.(Active) : At ten o’clock we shall have checked the machines
(Passive) : At ten o’clock the machines will have been checked

B.(Active) : We shall have finished this programmer in a few days
(Passive) : This programmer will have been finished in a few days

C.(Active) : By the end of the day you will have done the exercise
(Passive) : The exercise will have been done by the end of the day

jika  dalam kalimat subjek melakukan pekerjaan, maka kalimat subjek pasif subjeklah yang dikenai pekerjaan.
Contoh :
Active : My father  sweeps the floor
Passive : The floor swept by my father
Active : Beethoven wrote this piece
Passive : This piece was written by betthoven
Active : My  brother wrote this song this morning
Passive : This song was written this morning
Active : He wants to bring the camera
Passive : He wants her to bring the camers
Active : Nobody geve me money
Passive : I was given the money by nobody

1. PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer  Kelompok Gramedia  Jakarta , 2010
2. English Grammar, Oleh Henricus Budi H.

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Contoh Kasus Hak Pekerja, Contoh Kasus Iklan Tidak Etis, Contoh Kasus Etika Pasar Bebas, Contoh Kasus Whistle Blowing

1. Contoh Kasus Hak Pekerja

Masalah kasus Pengusaha dan Puluhan Pekerja panci di Tanggerang yang terkena tindakan kekerasan dan belum mendapatkan Hak-hak nya.

Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS) menyesalkan lambannya penyelesaian kasus pekerja panci di Tangerang. Menurut Kadiv Advokasi dan HAM KontraS, Yati Andriyani, sudah tiga bulan kasus yang menimpa puluhan pekerja panci terkuak, namun sampai saat ini belum satu pun berbuah hasil seperti harapan. Pasalnya, para pekerja yang semasa bekerja kerap mendapat perlakuan tidak manusiawi dari pengusahanya itu sampai saat ini belum dipenuhi hak-haknya. Mulai dari upah sampai hak-hak lainnya sebagai pekerja. Yati mencatat ada 3 instansi pemerintah yang memproses kasus tersebut, yaitu polres tigas raksa Tanggerang, dinas tenaga kerja kabupaten Tanggerang dan kemenakertrans. Proses penyiidikan memmakan waktu sejak 2 mei 2013 dan menyerahkan berkas kke jaksaan negeri tanggerang 25 juli 2013. Hasil penyidikan hanya mencantumkansi pengusaha yaitu yuki dan mandor. Padahal dalam pemeriksaan saksi menyebutkan keterlibatan aparat kepolisisan dan TNI. Adanya intimidasi dan ancaman dengan cara tembakan ke tanah dimana para pekerja panci yang sedang bekerja. Menurut Sekjen (OPSI), Timboel Siregar melihat kasus ini seakan hilang ditiup angin. Padahal kasus ini terungkap banyak janji yang di umbar pihak berwewenang untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Timboel mendeak pemerintah dan aparat penegak hokum segera menuntaskan kasus tersebut baik menyangkut erdata dan pidana, dan menegakkan hokum dibarengi dengan perbaikan pengawasan ketenagakerjaan. Hingga sekarang Kemenakertrans belum memberikan pernyataan resmi dan belum berbuah hasil.

Sumber :

2. Contoh Kasus Iklan Tidak Etis

Kasus Iklan Tidak Etis Antara Telkomsel Dengan XL

Salah satu contoh problem etika bisnis yang marak pada tahun kemarin adalah perang provider celullar antara XL dan Telkomsel. Berkali-kali kita melihat iklan-iklan kartu XL dan kartu as/simpati (Telkomsel) saling menjatuhkan dengan cara saling memurahkan tarif sendiri. Kini perang 2 kartu yang sudah ternama ini kian meruncing dan langsung tak tanggung-tanggung menyindir satu sama lain secara vulgar. Bintang iklan yang jadi kontroversi itu adalah SULE, pelawak yang sekarang sedang naik daun. Awalnya Sule adalah bintang iklan XL. Dengan kurun waktu yang tidak lama TELKOMSEL dengan meluncurkan iklan kartu AS. Kartu AS meluncurkan iklan baru dengan bintang sule. Dalam iklan tersebut, sule menyatakan kepada pers bahwa dia sudah tobat. Sule sekarang memakai kartu AS yang katanya murahnya dari awal, jujur. Perang iklan antar operator sebenarnya sudah lama terjadi. Namun pada perang iklan tersebut, tergolong parah. Biasanya, tidak ada bintang iklan yang pindah ke produk kompetitor selama jangka waktu kurang dari 6 bulan. Namun pada kasus ini, saat penayangan iklan XL masih diputar di Televisi, sudah ada iklan lain yang “menjatuhkan” iklan lain dengan menggunakan bintang iklan yang sama.

Dalam kasus ini, kedua provider telah melanggar peraturan-peraturan dan prinsip-prinsip dalam Perundang-undangan. Dimana dalam salah satu prinsip etika yang diatur di dalam EPI, terdapat sebuah prinsip bahwa “Iklan tidak boleh merendahkan produk pesaing secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.” Pelanggaran yang dilakukan kedua provider ini tentu akan membawa dampak yang buruk bagi perkembangan ekonomi, bukan hanya pada ekonomi tetapi juga bagaimana pendapat masyarakat yang melihat dan menilai kedua provider ini secara moral dan melanggar hukum dengan saling bersaing dengan cara yang tidak sehat. Kedua kompetitor ini harusnya professional dalam menjalankan bisnis, bukan hanya untuk mencari keuntungan dari segi ekonomi, tetapi harus juga menjaga etika dan moralnya dimasyarakat yang menjadi konsumen kedua perusahaan tersebut serta harus mematuhi peraturan-peraturan yang dibuat.

Sumber :

3. Contoh Kasus Etika Pasar Bebas

Salah satu kasus yang terjadi antar anggota WTO kasus antara Korea dan Indonesia, dimana Korea menuduh Indonesia melakukan dumping woodfree copy paper ke Korsel sehingga Indonesia mengalami kerugian yang cukup besar. Tuduhan tersebut menyebabkan Pemerintah Korsel mengenakan bea masuk anti dumping (BMAD) sebesar 2,8 persen hingga 8,22 persen terhitung 7 November 2003. dan akibat adanya tuduhan dumping itu ekspor produk itu mengalami kerugian. Ekspor woodfree copy paper Indonesia ke Korsel yang tahun 2002 mencapai 102 juta dolar AS, turun tahun 2003 menjadi 67 juta dolar.
Karenanya, Indonesia harus melakukan yang terbaik untuk menghadapi kasus dumping ini, kasus ini bermual ketika industri kertas Korea mengajukan petisi anti dumping terhadap 16 jenis produk kertas Indonesia antara lain yang tergolong dalam uncoated paper and paperboard used for writing dan printing or other grafic purpose produk kertas Indonesia kepada Korean Trade Commision (KTC) pada tanggal 30 september 2002 dan pada 9 mei 2003, KTC mengenai Bea Masuk Anti Dumping (BMAD) sementara dengan besaran untuk PT pabrik kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk sebesar 51,61%, PT Pindo Deli 11,65%, PT Indah Kiat 0,52%, April Pine dan lainnya sebesar 2,80%. Namun, pada 7 November 2003 KTC menurunkan BM anti dumping terhadap produk kertas Indonesia ke Korsel dengan ketentuan PT Pabrik kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk, PT Pindo Deli dan PT Indah Kiat diturunkan sebesar 8,22% dana untuk April Pine dan lainnya 2,80%. Dan Indonesia mengadukan masalah ini ke WTO tanggal 4 Juni 2004 dan meminta diadakan konsultasi bilateral, namun konsultasi yang dilakukan pada 7 Juli 2004 gagal mencapai kesepakatan.
 Karenanya, Indonesia meminta Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa (Dispute Settlement Body/DSB) Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO) membentuk Panel dan setelah melalui proses-proses pemeriksaan, maka DSB WTO mengabulkan dan menyetujui gugatan Indonesia terhadap pelanggaran terhadap penentuan agreement on antidumping WTO dalam mengenakan tindakan antidumping terhadap produk kertas Indonesia. Panel DSB menilai Korea telah melakukan kesalahan dalam upaya membuktikan adanya praktek dumping produk kertas dari Indonesia dan bahwa Korea telah melakukan kesalahan dalam menentukan bahwa industri domestik Korea mengalami kerugian akibat praktek dumping dari produk kertas Indonesia.

Sumber  :

4. Contoh Kasus Whistle Blowing

Whistle blowing atau Pengungkap aib adalah istilah bagi karyawan, mantan karyawan atau pekerja, anggota dari suatu institusi atau organisasi yang melaporkan suatu tindakan yang dianggap melanggar ketentuan kepada pihak yang berwenang. Secara umum segala tindakan yang melanggar ketentuan berarti melanggar hukum, aturan dan persyaratan yang menjadi ancaman pihak publik atau kepentingan publik. Termasuk di dalamnya korupsi, pelanggaran atas keselamatan kerja, dan masih banyak lagi.
Indonesia  tentang Whistleblower adalah ketika maraknya pemberitaan yang menimpa Kepolisian Republik Indonesia yang berhadapan dengan whistle blower (Komjen Susno Duadji, mantan Kabareskrim Polri). Skandal ditubuh Kepolisian yang dilaporkan oleh Whistleblower ketika itu adalah skandal makelar kasus. Atas keberaniannya mengungkap kebenaran atas pelanggaran yang terjadi maka Komjen Susno Duadji, meraih Whistle Blower Award 2010 dari Komunitas Pengusaha Antisuap (Kupas). Susno menang karena dinilai memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh panitia, yaitu laporannya berdasarkan fakta dan bukan fitnah; memberikan dampak publik yang luas dan positif; bertujuan agar ada langkah-langkah konkret untuk perbaikan ke depan; tidak ada motivasi untuk memopulerkan diri dan meraih keuntungan pribadi, baik secara fisik maupun secara finansial; serta menyadari sepenuhnya segala potensi risiko bagi dirinya atau keluarganya. (
Memang beberapa kalangan tertentu, terutama yang memberi arti sempit terhadap semangat korp (esprit de corp) memandang whistleblower adalah seorang pengkhianat karena melaporkan masalah internal institusinya kepada KPK. Tetapi bagi masyarakat umum yang terhindar dari kerugian lebih besar akibat informasi yang dilaporkan kepada KPK, sehingga pihak yang bersalah bisa dikenakan sangsi, Whistleblower adalah pahlawan.

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